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Publishing in The Space
Illust Space is an Augmented Reality (AR) metaverse layered on top of the physical world. You can use The Space to deploy your NFTs in the real world for anyone to discover and experience. These directions will help you make that experience as smooth…
The Beginner’s Guide to Collecting NFT Art
Welcome to the metaverse! Here are 10 things you need to know before beginning your journey.1. What is NFT Art?NFTs, non-fungible tokens, are programmable digital objects built on a common framework, Ethereum. Check out point 1 of our Artist Cheat Sh…
The Seven Step Artist NFT Cheat Sheet
NFTs have received a lot of coverage lately. Let this be a brief guide to the fast-evolving domain for creativity.4. How can I view NFT artwork?HardwareYou’ll need some kind of a screen. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, televisions, or AR/VR glassesSof…